A Guide on How to Get More Links to Your Website

A Guide on How to Get More Links to Your Website

So, you want to rank higher in search engines like Google, and you know you need to get more links to your website? You’re in luck! In this article, we’re going to discuss 11 new and exciting ways to build links for search engine optimisation, so that you can rank higher and have the best online presence.

Best methods to get more links to your website

Broken links

Most of the major tools out there will allow you to crawl the web and find broken links on websites. You can then reach out to this website, and say that they have a broken link that they should fix. You can link to our website or this website instead.

That is one strategy for SEO which is doing really well at the moment. This kind of manual outreach process that’s not incredibly exciting, however it can pay off big time. You can search by specific long tail keywords and look for broken links in SEO tools.

Offer a refresh post

Pretty much every website out there has a bunch of older posts or a bunch of older pages that they at one time tried to get ranked for a keyword and they weren’t able to maintain it and it fell off. A very clever way to get more links to your website is to offer to refresh older articles, so that they rank higher in Google again.

You can reach out to websites so you have this older post we would like to refresh it for you for free help you get it ranking higher in Google we will author it and that could be something that you would do to improve your digital presence management your SEO for linking if you will that is a great strategy it’s a little bit tedious though because you have to be very targeted you have to review the older articles and that is something that is going to take a little bit of time for you.

Journalist response

A great way to get yourself out there is by responding to journalist and media requests. Journalists have reached out to me and asked me for a quote. That is one really amazing way you can build up your digital presence and get links for SEO.

Websites such as HARO (Help A Reporter Out) are a great way to do that. Also building relationships with journalists over time and helping them in a win-win relationship.

Industry studies

On the national or the local level industry studies can be a great way to get manufactured press to create an amazing piece of content around a subject that you care a lot about. Not only do you get more links to your website, it’s also a great way to create something that people want to download and also want to link to.

One of the things about industry studies that I don’t love is that more and more people have started doing them in certain niches such as marketing however in your niche maybe nobody has ever really done one and it’s something that could be a huge opportunity for you.

I want to emphasise this the local level is a really good thing to do. If you can create industry studies around specific locations, sometimes that can be really, really great for getting your digital presence and SEO links to local pages. What you need to do in that case, is put the data on the local page, then you do a press release and you do media outreach. This way, you’re able to manufacture press however for a very good reason; improving your local SEO.

Offer story or content

This is probably one of the best ways to get more links to your website out there. If you can take the time to make it an initiative for your organisation to create a story around your business. Ideally, something that you’re doing differently. Something to cut through the clutter that your industry or national general business publications are really going to appreciate.

That’s going to be a great way to get yourself out there. The tough part about this one is that it’s not always easy to create a story that cuts through the clutter. Often one that cuts through the clutter could be something that could be a little bit controversial for your business.

Review websites

For national and local this one is great because in any industry there are review sites that are out there that determine whether or not you are good or you are not and it’s important that you’re on them and they’re often pretty easy to get onto.

Now, the tough part is you have to consistently create a system to make sure your reviews are in a good place, and you have to fill out these profiles. You have to maintain them and there’s always new ones popping up.

Competitor mentions

When you crawl the web you can find every single person who’s ever mentioned your competitor and then you can ask them to also list you on that same article or write a similar article about you.

This is something that you can do right now. Although it can often be kind of tricky to get somebody to actually add you to one of those lists, or to make the modifications that you’re requesting. It really does work in many cases.

Use awards to get more links to your site
Use awards to get more links to your site


Do you have a list of all the awards in your industry? Are you making sure that you submit to those awards? If you’re not, you probably should be. Awards are a great way to get links for SEO. It is also a way to get your brand out there, and to get great credibility.

I highly recommend that you look at awards. Awards can be kind of hard to win, and can take a lot of time to submit. However if you do win or become a finalist, the PR value alone is worthwhile.

Provide a resource

Another one of the popular methods to get more links to your website, is to create a resource, which could be an image or a video. This strategy is working incredibly well right now. If you have written an amazing article, you can find other niche articles on the topic and you can get them to link from their article to your article just out of goodwill.

That’s because it’s going to add value to the post or you can offer them an image or a micro infographic or a video specifically for their post or a quote for their post. There’s a very good chance that that’s going to improve your digital presence management.

For your SEO, and for linking and whatnot this is a very good strategy. Warning though that it’s tedious. It takes a lot of time; tens and tens of hours a week to make happen.

Unlinked mentions

Unlinked mentions are when you crawl the web you find everybody who’s ever mentioned you online and you say hi we would love it if you could link to our website.

It’s incredibly easy it helps the user and it’s a great way to build a lot of links and improve your digital presence. For medium or large brands, it’s not as great for smaller brands, which is something to keep in mind.

Lists and guides

When you look around the internet sometimes there’s big lists; holiday gift lists, holiday guides… this can be a great way to get your products out there. It can be a great way to get your service out there when there’s been an ultimate something list or guide written on something.

It’s a great idea to to pitch this to get your product or your service out there to journalists. It’s also a great idea to find ones that have been written in the past, and offer to refresh those and to be a part of those.

Final words

This entire list features clever ways to get more links to your website, and build up your SEO. These are newer and different ways that are totally allowed by Google which will improve your digital presence.

You should review the above list in detail, determine what is the most important and the most effective for your industry. Then you should choose three to four to focus on each quarter. That way, your efforts will bring you a ton of success.

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