How to Create the Perfect Landing Page Headline
When it comes to fully optimising a webpage, it’s well known by now, that having a great landing page headline is quite crucial. Before even reading any materials found on your landing page, your clients will first of all notice the headline of your landing page.
If the heading is not catchy and appealing to your audience’s needs then most probably they will flee unseen. Constructing landing page headlines is as valuable as the quality of the whole article you write.
Therefore here are a few tips that will support you in your effort to write eye catching headlines.
Keep it short and targeted
A short headline has the effect of grabbing the attention of your potential viewers. At the same time a targeted title can help you to maintain consumer’s appeal to your product. New viewers prefer precise content as they have a short attention span and limited time to spend.
Just like with your social media marketing, short and targeted headlines help to set the tone for the whole article/product you will present in the specific page.
Specificity and clarity
While coming up with a landing page headline, try to be specific and clear. Once the visitors arrived on your page, they need to be certain that they are in the right place. Your landing page should be conclusive enough to satisfy all the needs of your visitors on the pre-specified heading of your page.
Double check spelling
It might sound rather obvious however this is critical. Spelling mistakes are one way trip for an instant bounce from the visitors. Make it a habit of double checking everything. Errors that are not highlighted by the spellchecker are critical. Spelling error can impact negatively to your product and business image.
Emphasise on one main goal
It is normal for a product to have more than one feature. Your landing page headline should however highlight the most important ones. This helps prevent a confusing sound of your headline. Any headline that highlights too many benefits risks diluting the overall message on the headline.
Be consistent with your message
It is a tradition for customers to want to receive a repetitive message before they can convert. In that connection, your message needs to be consistent and effective.
The message should start with an ad or probably with another link off your web page. It should also be able to keep the suspense going even after the purchase is done.
Make it pitchy and intriguing
To keep your visitors hooked on your page, try to keep the romance going even if it means going beyond your ads. By pitching your page, consumers will develop the buying feeling instead of getting an informational feel. Concentrate on advising your visitors to convert.

Pursue smart positioning and formatting
Since your headline is the first thing that your visitors will focus on upon visiting your landing page, try to position it at the centre of your landing page. It should also be 1/3 down the page. In addition, make it large enough so as it can be visible to your visitors.
Do not take it that this is always the rule! Make sure to be flexible and to fit in the means of your purpose. Additionally format the headings appropriately; that is you may use the H1, H2, H3 etc. features accordingly.
Test variations of your landing page headline
No one can ever come up with a perfect headline. We are therefore required to test for that headline that nears perfection. Test them before finalising them.
Ask people around you about their own thoughts before choosing the one that you think is the best one. After all, a bunch of brains is better than a just single one.
Avoid the cliché
Some headlines may seem enticing at first however with a good look, you will find out that they’ve been overused. Overused headlines can cheapen or decrease the credibility of your message.
Headings such as “Why not buy this?” or “This is what you need” may at first come out as strong messages however in reality, they are not specific and sound patronising.
Conduct a follow up on your headline
A great landing page headline is the key to landing clients. They provide the great punch needed. Therefore following up on any headline will keep your visitors following your page.
You may attract customers by developing a strong landing page headline with the aid of effective copywriting tips. A compelling headline gives your website the impact it needs to grab readers’ attention and keep them on it.
Therefore following up on any headline will keep your visitors following your page. At no point though should you let your headline take over the entire landing page. The content on your landing page should match the tone set by the headline.
Make readers feel comfortable and ready to buy
Every visitor to your page is a potential customer. Your goal should always be that every visit would be as a done deal.
It’s your job to ensure from the beginning, that every visitor could be converted to a sale. Write and position your headlines in such a way that it ends up calling your followers to action.